PMP Exam Prep Simplified Ebook + 35 Hour PMP E-Learning Course
Our Bestselling study guide and Self-pace Course in one bundle
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Ace Your PMP Exam on the First Try
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What's included?
Outstanding features to help you ace your exam
PMP Exam Prep Simplified eBook
This ebook to be viewed online only.
650+ Questions
400+ realistic exam questions at the end of each section in the e-learning course and 250+ in the ebook.
35 hours of PM education
35 hours of project management education needed to take your PMP exam.
PMP Applications
Expert instructions filling out the PMP application
6-Month Access
Duration allowed to access the materials.
Mock Exam
Full-length mock exam
Course Instructor
Taught by Andrew Ramdayal
Andrew Ramdayal is the world's bestselling PMP author. Over 500,000 students has used his live classes, books, e-learning classes, and exam simulator to pass their PMP exam. It's not where you take the PMP, it's who is teaching that matters!