PMI-ACP Exam Prep 21 PDU Course
Get your PMI-ACP Certification with this PMI Accredited exam prep course. Updated for current PMI-ACP.
25,480+ learners
Enrolled -
130 Lectures
# of Lectures -
6 Months
# of Months of Access -
4.8/5.0 Stars
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What's included?
Outstanding features for highly customizable Courses, Units, Lessons, and Quizzes.
21 PDU's
Needed to applicaiton for your PMI-ACP Exam
Full-Lenght Mock Exam
Practice what you have learned.
130 Lectures
Taught by industry leader, Andrew Ramdayal
Chapter Quizzes
Monitor your progress as you advance through the class.
Full Study Guide
Download all the sides used in the class.
Full PMI-ACP ECO Review
Includes a full review of the current Exam content outline.
Pass Your PMI-ACP On The First Try
Passing the PMI-ACP certification exam will demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in agile practices. This course will cover all the topics needed to pass your PMI-ACP exam on the first try. Topics such as the agile mindset, agile processes, and tools.
This course is taught by Agile Instructor and PMP author Andrew Ramdayal. Andrew has over 60 certifications and has authored a few bestselling project management books. Andrew has taught thousands of students around the world both in the classroom and online.
This course will include the following:
This course is taught by Agile Instructor and PMP author Andrew Ramdayal. Andrew has over 60 certifications and has authored a few bestselling project management books. Andrew has taught thousands of students around the world both in the classroom and online.
This course will include the following:
- 21 PMI Approved Contacts hours/PDU Certificate needed to take your PMI-ACP exam.
- Update to match the current PMI-ACP Exam Content outline.
- 9+ Hours of expert instruction from a certified PMI-ACP Instructor and one of Amazon's bestselling project management authors.
- 120+ Videos
- Full-length mock exam
- Nearly 200 practice questions
- Course Slides with summaries
- If you are a current PMP, this course will get you 21 PDU's to help renew your PMP (Don't forget you need 60 PDU's to renew).
- This course will not only help you pass your exam but also learn how to apply the concepts in real-world project management. This way you are ready for the exam and your job.
- Every year we help thousands to pass their certification exams and we can help you also.