CAPM Exam Prep E-Learning 25 Hour Class
Get your CAPM Certification with this Authorized Exam Prep Course
16850+ learners
Enrolled -
25 hours
Video duration -
240+ Lectures
Number of engaging lectures -
Downloadable Cram Guide
Free of charge
Pass your CAPM with this 25 PDU course
Learn from the world's Bestselling Project Author
Andrew Ramdayal.
Here is a quick preview of the class.
Andrew Ramdayal has helped over 500,000 students become
Certified Project Managers.
Andrew Ramdayal has helped over 500,000 students become
Certified Project Managers.
Learn all the topics needed in today's PM job market
This course will cover all the main topics on the CAPM including
Join my school and you won't regret it..
I am a Certified Life Coach with a holistic approach that brings clarity, direction, and positive support for my clients. I help you live your best life, by filling the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, you will reach your highest goals and dreams.